We are Tanga International Competence Centre
A social business
After many years of volunteering in Tanzania and working at Norad and Norwegian Nurses Organization we experienced the power of charitable work, but also the drawbacks. Creating sustainable impact requires time and a continuous dedication to the everyday life of the community we are helping. Something that is impossible in time limited projects.
We decided instead that our approach would be to work closely with locals and make a difference together, every day. For that reason TICC is not set up as a charity, but as a social business in Tanzania with employees and revenues where any profits goes to our traditional not for profit organization TICC HAMA and back into the community.
We are proud of being the biggest tax payer among medium size companies in Tanga, and hope that our effort will improve daily life for people in the rural local communities.

Tanga International Competence Centre is a privately owned Tanzanian social business with the ultimate goal of improving local communities in Tanga, Tanzania. TICC is a fully self-sustainable organization with 92 employees and revenues coming from student internships and visiting businesses.
The competence center which is also the HQ for all charitable activities is fully owned and paid for by TICC. All profits and any donations goes to our NGO, TICC HAMA, and directly impact local communities.
- Founded 2006
- 97 % owned by Norwegian mother company TICC Norge (ICCT AS)
- A Tanzanian Company
Board of Directors
- Aud Blankhom
- Sveinung Lunde
- Ruth Nesje
- Odd Lund–Isaksen
- Nuru Millao (TZ)
- Dr. William Mwengee, WHO (Chairperson) (TZ)
- Mr. A. J. Lubasha (TZ)
- Ms. M. Msuya (TZ)

Our Non-Profit Organization
Our non-profit organization is TICC HAMA (Hatua na Maendeleo NGO). Most of TICC's charitable activities is done through HAMA. The organization is managed by local employees to ensure a close connection to the local community.
- A Tanzanian Company
Founding member (foreigners not allowed)
- Dr. W. M. Mwengee
- Mr. G. T. Msami
- Mr. M. F. Dismas
- Ms. Zainab S. Nanyaro
- Ms Anna T. Dominick
Honorable members
- Ms. Ruth Nesje
- Mr. Odd Lund-Isaksen

Our Norwegian Company
TICC Norge (ICCT AS) is a privately owned Norwegian company and ownes 97% of TICC Ltd. This Company was established with one purpose only, and that was to raise funds to build TICC. This company manages Norwegian relations and finances that is passed on to TICC Ltd. in Tanzania. All investment funds for building and extending TICC comes from this mother company.
- A Norwegian Company
- Sareptas
- Ruth Nesje
- Odd Lund-Isaksen
- Bjørknes University College
- The Child Foundation Havnøy
- Stiftelsen Diakonissehuset Lovisenberg
- Følge Utvikling
- Other private investors
Board of directors with substitutes
- Vidar Haukeland
- Morten Danielsen
- Sveinung Lunde
- Hogne Hareide
- Ruth Nesje
- Aud Blankholm
- Bjørn Hauger
- Tor-Erik Solvang
- Cia Dunstrøm

Our Norwegian Non-Profit
Stiftelsen HAMA (Steps for development) is the Norwegian non-profit organization controlled by TICC Norge (ICCT AS). All donations to support the work TICC HAMA is doing in Tanzania goes to Steps for development to be handled according to Norwegian law before being passed on to TICC HAMA. There is no administration costs or reduction of the donation in this process.
“The purpouse of this foundation is to collect resources to support activities established, run and/or supported by International Competence Center Tanzania (ICCT AS)”
- A Norwegian Company
Board of Directors
- Bent Magnus Idsøe Bentsen
- Vidar Haukeland
- Ruth Nesje
- Pernille Nesje